Mail Boxes

Mail Box Replacement

Below are the guidelines that neighbors should use in order to replace mailboxes:

1.     Must be exact or look exactly like the mailboxes originally approved by Middleton HOA.


2.     The color of the mailbox and post must be black and constructed of metal.


3.     May have a gloss or matte paint finish.


4.     Must have the exact red flag or a red flag that looks exactly like the original red flag.


5.     Must be in its original location on the right of way. You may refer to City of Grayson Zoning Ordinance, Section 510: Accessory Uses.


6.     Must have a dimension of 8.7 inches wide by 22.6 inches long by 10.9 inches tall.


7.     Must have a black rust proof aluminum plaque affixed on top of the mailbox.


8.     Plaque may be between 12 inches to 16 inches long.


9.     Must have 2” Brass numbers affixed to both sides of plaque.  No stickers.


10.  Numbers must be the address for the home of which the mailbox is installed.


11.  Mailbox cannot have any items or coverings affixed to it.


12.  Post must be exact or look exactly like the original mailbox post approved by Middleton HOA.


13.  At all times, the Homeowner is required to maintain mailbox to match the original style of the neighborhood mailboxes. This incudes but is not limited to:



Upon request, Middleton HOA may recommend or suggest places to purchase items for your mailbox, however, it is the responsibility of the Homeowner to immediately correct any violations.

Most items can be purchased at your local hardware stores and:

Addresses of Distinction

(800) 436-1647


Imperial Mailbox Systems

(800) 647-0777


Gibraltar Mailboxes

(800) 647-7063




Mail Box Repairs