Middleton Minute #6

Post date: May 22, 2017 5:22:36 PM

The Middleton Minute - your 60 second update on all things Middleton!

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Want to send a message to the neighborhood? Use the email address middletonhoa@googlegroups.com

Pool Block Party - Saturday, May 27, 11am-2pm. If you think you MIGHT attend or are a DEFINITE, please SIGN UP HERE, so that the board knows how much food to purchase in order to feed everyone in attendance. You may also sign up to bring a side and/or dessert. If you would like to help, please contact our party planner extraordinaire & Team Leader, Cindi Toledo.

Pool Committee –If you are a frequent user of the pool, please consider serving on our pool committee. There are not a lot of responsibilities involved, but we could sure use your help to just keep an eye on things. If you would be willing to serve, please contact a member of the board to volunteer.

School’s out this week! Children will be out and about this summer, so:

  • Observe the speed limit and stop signs, being careful to look out for our little ones.
  • Remember to avoid on street parking as this obstructs drivers’ vision (see Middleton Minute #3).
  • Parents: PLEASE speak with your children and teens about entering someone else’s property. There have been reports of some of our young people jumping fences to visit friends on Patricia Terrace (Regal Ridge neighborhood behind Middleton). Some fenced yards contain dogs, which only know to protect their territory. Have this discussion with your child for everyone’s safety.

Dates to remember:

May 27 (Sat) Pool Block Party – 11am-2pm

June 3 / 4 (Sat/Sun) Yard Sale Part II

Have a great week!